Devlog 06: Sprint 2.0


Welcome back! We have some exciting updates to share with you. We are one week into sprint 2 and Furnace Feeders is looking, running and sounding better than ever.

This week Sintija worked some more on already implemented game mechanics, such as making the scrap more interactive with the level- it now bounces off walls and rolls, as well as working on the robot's dashes. She also implemented a score system. When a player scores a point the score shows above the enemy furnace, because the goal is to throw scraps into the opposite furnace. Sintija also fixed some bugs and this week focused more on improving the gameplay.

Tamy finished the robot character rig and started with the UI of the menu and winning UI. The rig is just a simple basic rig joints with their controllers and there constrains so the character cannot overbend there joints. 

The UI is just a starter block-out with the basic widgets in Unreal. 

 Next week Tamy will implement the art  in the UI widgets, also start with the walking and dashing animations for the robot character.

This week Jake has been working on creating the ambient soundscape and the music for the gameplay.

Leon worked primarily on the background, the lighting and the dash particle. Next to that he worked on integrating some small stuff like the stun particle that Tamy made weeks ago and adding the scrap into the robot his arm when he picks it up.

Jasper worked on a redesign for the doors. They needed to be wider so they play a bigger role in the game.  Furthermore he made design and a first iteration on the timer 

For next week we are excited to add animations, new levels, particles and more sounds. 


FurnaceFeeders_v1.2.rar 157 MB
Apr 25, 2022

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